Should You Call or Send Him That Text?
Why doesn't he text you back??
Why does he ignore you??
Have you ever WANTED to call or text a man you like.... but wondered if you should wait and see if
he calls first?
Have you ever texted him and he just sends back a few words??
Have you ever felt frustrated and confused when you text him and he doesn't even reply at all?
Have you ever called or texted a man... and later wished you hadn't??
Do you feel like you start calling him and texting him too much, especially when you start feeling comfortable with him?
Have you ever sent a man a really long text about your relationship,
and then got some lame response - or nothing at all??
Have you ever put your plans on hold because
you're waiting to hear from him?
Is it hard to end the call with him... and then later you wonder if you let the call go on too long?
What can you do when he says he'll call... and you're still waiting??
What should you do when he tells YOU to call or text HIM first??
What about all those times when you're dying to call him,
but your instincts are telling you to wait?
What if you tried to hold back and let him be the one to get in touch, and then he says, "I never heard from you"???
It's VERY hard to know how to handle a man's perplexing and confusing actions...
Especially when you REALLY CARE about him, and you're ready for the relationship to move forward!
She Initiated Texts With Him Daily...
Jack is pursuing Carlie. He's very excited about her, and spends most of his free time thinking about her.
Carlie adores Jack, too. After their second date, she starts calling and texting Jack every day - just to say "hi."
Jack is surprised and pleased at first.

Then after a couple of days, Jack thinks, "It feels like the newness is wearing off fast with her."
But he still likes her and looks forward to seeing her again.
Carlie keeps initiating texts to Jack every day to say hi.
"It's kind of a relief," he thinks. "Now I don't really need to remember to get in touch because I know she will."
Jack stops thinking about Carlie all the time like he did in the beginning.
Carlie starts to feel uneasy.
"Is everything okay?" she hears herself asking him.
"Everything's good!" Jack answers.
That night, he wonders if Carlie is about to have a "relationship talk" with him.
That night, Carlie thinks, "What's changed? He never initiates calls or texts with me!"
Jack feels disappointed. "Maybe we moved too fast," he thinks to himself. "I don't know why, but I feel different."
What happened here? By initiating contact with him every day, Carlie changed the whole course of their relationship.
Jack was so enthusiastic about her. But Carlie became the pursuer... not meaning to...
which caused Jack to step back and re-evaluate everything (without realizing why).
Jack went from thinking about her every day - to just sending quick replies to her texts.
Carlie had no idea that her innocent texts caused Jack to somehow feel like she wasn't the elusive, thrilling girl he first thought she was.
Discover the Secrets That Set You Apart!
The good news is that you CAN understand exactly how to handle literally every situation
you'll ever encounter when it comes to calling and texting the man you want.
Not only that, but it's easy. Knowing what to do will become second nature to you, once you discover the reasons behind what to do - and what not to do - when it comes to calling men!
Don't be like most women, who endlessly go from one failed relationship to another, never knowing WHY things never work out.
In Calling Men, I will show you why my methods work, so you will understand this way of thinking completely.
You'll understand the effect you have on a man when your calling behavior is "off"!
You'll see how greatly your relationship is strengthened when HE calls YOU.
You'll be able to handle the unexpected calling or texting challenge!
You will totally "get" what happens in a man's mind when a woman makes critical mistakes in calling and texting the man she wants.
You'll instinctively pick up on these new ways to act and react. These methods will become second nature to you very quickly - especially when you see how well they work!
The Tips In THIS BOOK Will Make Him Want You More and CALL You More!
I'm Mimi Tanner, the author of many books on dating and relationships. I write an email advice column read by thousands of women all over the world. Most of the books I write are specifically written for women, because I have spent a lifetime studying and thinking about what makes a man attracted to a woman - and what makes a man stay with a woman.
Many woman have spoken to me of how much they enjoyed the book Before You Call Him: The Complete Guide to Calling and Texting the Men You Date.
This book is full of practical suggestions and surprising insights into how men think.
The real-life examples of actual situations are invaluable to anyone who asks the question, "Should I call him?"
Most women don't know what Mimi knows, but YOU will after reading this wonderful book.
You've done it again, Mimi!
Bob Grant, L.P.C.
Author of The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave
Mimi Tanner is simply one of the best when it comes to writing to women on the art of finding and keeping a great man. She has become well-known on a global scale in a relatively short time. Why? Because she covers highly in-demand subjects with a flair and disarming friendliness that is unequalled.
Her book "Calling Men" is truly a magnum opus when it comes to dealing with one of the most frustrating problems women face in the dating world: How to handle calling and text messaging men.
You know the feeling as I do, I'm sure. You want to give him every opportunity to call you first, but you also want 100% control over your dating life. What to do? Mimi lays it all out for you in logical steps that are a blast to read.
Take this rare opportunity to get a glimpse of Mimi's top-notch book (which is literally packed with info).
Relationship Coaches Scot and Emily McKay
Hosts of "X and Y on the Fly" Podcasts
Fair Warning!
Some people get just plain MAD at me for daring to suggest that you should put some thought into how you handle phone calls with your man. They will loudly insist (and send me rude emails) that I should not have written this book because it shouldn't matter what happens on the phone!
They want to say and do anything that comes into their heads, and text their guy ten times a day if they feel like it!
And they're actually RIGHT, in a way. It really shouldn't matter! We should be able to do anything we want - but that's not how it works in the real world, is it?
In the world we live, date, and love in... it MATTERS ENORMOUSLY.
Eventually, after a series of failed encounters and relationships with men, many women come to realize: YES, the way you handle contacting your man MATTERS, and truly WILL make or break your relationship!
"I Wish I'd Had This Book Months Ago!"
Dear Mimi,
I've just read your new eBook, "Calling Men" straight through for the *third* time. I must say, your book is brilliant. And I'm sure you've heard this before, but I wish I had this book months (or maybe years) ago.
Recently I exchanged numbers with an attractive man, and I was a "good girl" and let him call me first. He did.... asking me out to dinner... but he ended up leaving two voicemails because I wasn't available when he called.
Encouraged by this, I stupidly sent him a text message later that night... just to acknowledge his calls, I rationalized. (Mistake number one!) He promptly ignored it, which of course bothered/puzzled me.
Then, emboldened by the fact that he'd asked me to dinner in the first place, I called him a few days later. (Mistake number two!)
I happened to call him at a bad time (and the cell phone reception was bad to boot), and he politely brushed me off. And he didn't call back that night, as he said he would.
Well, needless to say, I felt terrible about calling him. What a mistake! I wish I had listened to you!
Your e-book rocks. The advice is 100% dead-on. Every mother should make this required reading for their teenage daughters.
-- Rachel, Toronto, Canada
Inside "Calling Men" You Will Find Out:
What a man won't tell you, but will tell others - find out how he really feels about the woman who calls him when he's not even calling her
What goes through a man's mind when you call him
Exactly how to handle calls and texts in ways which make him want you more!
You get "Texting Men Genius" - Seven In-Depth Sessions that will make you stand out from ALL the rest!
Why you are putting yourself in a lower power position when you constantly initiate the calling
The negative messages your calls and texts can be sending him
When and how you benefit from NOT calling him - and how your relationship benefits
Exactly how to handle texts and messages sent online
What should you do when you can plainly see that he's online?
By the way - what are the real reasons that men don't call??
How can you get him to ask for your number?
How letting him pursue you actually gives you more power and control
What if he calls you - but you miss his call? Should you call him back?
What should you do when he says "Call me"?
What if he hasn't been calling you for ages, then finally gets around to it?
How should you handle it if he's ignoring you?
If you haven't heard from him, and it's his birthday, should you call him - or send a card?
If you he hasn't called for weeks, and you run into him later, how should you act?
When your relationship becomes solid and lasting, can you finally relax and call him any time you want?
Why he should pursue you, not the other way around
How to tell if he will call you back
What must happen for a man to fall in love with you, and how you can influence his feelings
You get "The Quick Start Guide" too, plus REAL questions and answers, along with the Calling Men book, AND "Texting Men Genius."
All this will make him want you in his life more, simply by the way you handle phone calls and texts - yes, it's that important!
"You Communicate In A Language Women Understand, While Teaching Us About Men"
Mimi, thank you for all of your wonderful hard work and dedication to helping us translate "the mysterious language and culture of men." lol!
I have been reading your messages and ebooks for a few years, now, along with the work of some others dedicated to the same. While some of the other authors (who are men) offer very valuable information, you honorably keep it in perspective by *the way you communicate to us* that we are still women.
That is, this is a learning process of things that we do not naturally know, like learning a foreign language, rather than making us wrong for not knowing all there is to know about men.
You communicate to us in language women understand, while teaching us about men. I thank you so much for that!
"I Feel Like a New Me Is Born"
Thank you, Mimi,
You gave us such a great book. I feel like a new me is born. I will drop those unworthy men like a bad habit. They aren't worth my valuable time.
Thank you so much!
-- Grace
"Your Book Has Worked So Well For Me"
"Mimi, Thank you so much for helping us in our relationships. Your book 'Calling Men' is nothing but the truth. It has worked so well for me, especially since I'm recently divorced and have found myself back on the dating scene.
"Before I got married I'd never really had problems meeting or befriending men, but when it came to romantic involvement, I admit that I hadn't always given men enough chance to chase. This often made me seem weak and desperate. Now I am feeling more powerful, self-confident and in control as I have given myself options by not exclusively dating the first man who shows romantic interest. I have enjoyed myself more by allowing men to approach and contact me first.
"Not always being available for them works well too. It's good to give men the opportunity to think about me, the last time we went on a date and miss me for a change.
"Mimi, it feels great!"
-- Kathleen
"A Huge Penny Dropped In My Brain"
Dear Mimi,
I'm only on page 54 and you've made my day, brightened up my spirits, made me laugh and I've rung some friends to go out for drinks tonight!
Your new book is a real pearl. From starting off the day feeling sorry for myself, seeing everything black, depressing no future, etc., - I'm feeling like Marilyn Monroe or Angelina Jolie now. Bring 'em on!
To be honest, I'm going to do a slow reading to REPROGRAM. While I'm not ringing men at all, and have never been a proponent of ringing a lot, now with your book and insights into HOW RINGING READS to other people a huge penny dropped in my brain.
I'm still reading!
Communication is the Heart of Love!
Your communication with a man in your life - and the quality of your communication with the man whose heart you want to win - is what drives your relationship. It makes the relationship either more or less successful.
When you're in the middle of a relationship, your emotions are in play. You need a way to track what's taking place in your relationship from time to time, so that you can see
How often are you in touch with him?
How often are you seeing him? Has this increased or decreased?
Who is initiating the communication most?
What seems to be his preferred style of communicating with you?
Are you texting him too much? Are your texts short or long?
It's not about keeping score - it's about keeping the right balance in your relationship.
The tendency of many women is to get out of balance by contacting a man too much, too soon. This can happen even in an established relationship.
"The Way You Handle Calls and Texts Will Seriously Affect How Much Your Man Wants You!"
You don't have to visit a bookstore or wait for this book to arrive in the mail, because this is an E-book. You receive the Calling Men book and Texting Men Genius immediately. You'll be sent to the webpage that holds the book right after payment. Then you'll save this book to your device and it's yours to keep forever. You can also log in to a private site and check for updates and new bonuses.
My goal in writing this book is to get your life free the pain that comes with the confusion about when to call men - and when not to. But that's not all. My goal is also for you to experience the freedom and control that will be yours as soon as you start applying the tips in this book.
"Once Again, You've Pointed the Laser Light"
"Once again, you've written a book which points the laser light on the one problem women want to know about!"
-- Terry Hernon
Writer and Dating Expert
"The Words on the Page Were So Clear"
"I found this book by a miracle I think. I was having a bad night which could have been a bad turning point if I had not read this.
"I am in a non-committed relationship. I'm really getting to know someone who is very slow to open up to me. But if I had made the bad decision to try and lead with an "innocent" phone call last night, that would have killed it...
"Those words on the pages were so clear. I was having a weak moment, and if this book had not been there, I think I would have folded...
"Even with this new way of thinking, there are sometimes slippery slopes. :) But not last night, and not for the future until he calls me.
"So, my gratitude to you, Mimi. :) Cheers!"
-- Jayla
You've Come to the Right Place!
I've spent a lifetime studying what it takes to make a man fall in love with you. This is my passion - to see you happy with the person who belongs with you.
When you use this system, you'll see an immediate difference in the way the men respond to you - because of the way you're responding to them!
You'll know what to do like never before - thw words and actions become second nature to you.
All I ask of you is that you sit down and take your time with this life-changing information. No rushing is allowed when it comes to something this important!
Many women tell me that they read Calling Men again and again when they need the strength NOT TO CALL HIM - during those times when it's best to let HIM be the one to call first! Because a man always knows when he's NOT calling you!
Give him a chance to step up to the plate during those critical times and CLAIM you. Every time he does this,
he has invested more of himself in you - and this makes a big difference when it comes to STAYING together.
The Way You Handle Calls and Texts
Makes All The Difference In Getting Him To
Fall In Love and Stay In Love With You!
Here's How To Order
"I Wish I Had Listened To You!"
Dear Mimi,
I've just read your new program "Calling Men" straight through for the *third* time. I must say, your program is brilliant. And I'm sure you've heard this before, but I wish I had these principles months (or maybe years) ago.
Recently I exchanged numbers with an attractive man, and I was a "good girl" and let him call me first. He did.... asking me out to dinner... but he ended up leaving two voicemails because I wasn't available when he called.
Encouraged by this, I stupidly sent him a text message later that night, just to acknowledge his calls, I rationalized. (Mistake number one).
He promptly ignored it, which of course bothered/puzzled me.
Then, emboldened by the fact that he'd asked me to dinner in the first place, I called him a few days later. (Mistake number two).
I happened to call him at a bad time (and the cell phone reception was bad to boot), and he politely brushed me off. And he didn't call back that night, as he said he would.
Well, needless to say, I felt terrible about calling him. What a mistake! I wish I had listened to you!
Your program rocks. The advice is 100% dead-on. Every mother should make this required reading for their teenage daughters.
-- Rachel, Toronto, Canada
Mimi Tanner is simply one of the best when it comes to writing to women on the art of finding and keeping a great man. She has become well-known on a global scale in a relatively short time. Why? Because she covers highly in-demand subjects with a flair and disarming friendliness that is unequalled.
Her book "Calling Men" is truly a magnum opus when it comes to dealing with one of the most frustrating problems women face in the dating world: How to handle calling and texting men.
You know the feeling as I do, I'm sure. You want to give him every opportunity to call you first, but you also want 100% control over your dating life. What to do? Mimi lays it all out for you in logical steps that are a blast to read.
Take this rare opportunity to get a glimpse of Mimi's top-notch book (which is literally packed with info).
Relationship Coaches Scot and Emily McKay
Hosts of "X and Y on the Fly" Podcasts